This weekend we'll be using an extensive amount of percussion, including 12 timpani, for our concert with Artist in Residence, Thomas Adès!

We wanted to share 12 fun facts from our archive about percussion...

Artefacts are labelled in the carousel below:


  1. 1943 programme showing Joyce Aldous’s first concert
  2. A 1934 review of us performing Cockaigne Overture, a score of which was dedicated to Ettling some years earlier
  3. Photo of Joyce Aldous in Feb 1955 as a special feature for her solo that month
  4. Rehearsal showing percussionists Richard Smith, Max Molin, Eric Wooliscroft, John Moat
  5. Joyce Aldous with a set of timps on cover of Hallé magazine 1953
  6. DBWL cartoon of timpanist in Hallé magazine
  7. 1921 programme showing Gezink as soloist for Concerto for Six Timpani
  8. 1929 concert after Gezink’s death with piece programmed in memoriam of his service
  9. A view of James Loughran from behind the timpani
  10. Joseph Ball concert diary 1917
  11. 1953 letter re timps and the humidity precautions taken when travelling to Bulwayo
  12. 1949 performance in Holland with Joyce Aldous just visible at the back